Parent Information
Information for Current CCA Families

News and Announcments

Hi CCA Fans!
Tickets to athletic events will be sold at the gate. Please bring cash to purchase your tickets at the gate and support our concession stand. Thank you!
Most CCA Athletic Event tickets are sold at these prices:
$5 for adults and $3 for students.
The ACAA sets ticket prices for Championship events. Those events may charge a higher rate.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing you at an Athletic Event soon!
Other School Events: Purchase your tickets in the school office. Thank you!
Leave a Legacy
The school is selling customizable pavers to remember your Eagle and pave the way for Eagles to come. Â The proceeds will help pay for our new gym that we hope to start construction on soon. Â This will be a tremendous asset to our school and will bless our families for years to come. I trust that you will prayerfully consider purchasing your tile that will be displayed here at CCA!