Student Admissions
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Apply Today
If you are interested in enrolling your student in CCA, please complete our Application Online from the link above.
Please see our Tuition details below for registration and tuition fee details.

Academic Requirements
Thank you for your interest in Cornerstone Christian Academy. Our goal is to provide the very best education possible in a Christian environment so that our students may grow to their fullest potential spiritually, academically, physically, and socially. Please contact us with any academic questions you may have.

Tuition & Fees
Cornerstone Christian Academy is a private school and does not receive any funding from the state. Tuition, registration fees, and book fees are required for a student to be enrolled in CCA. Discounts are given to parents with multiple children enrolled at CCA. However, discounts do not apply to preschool students.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition must be current by each midterm in order for students to remain at Cornerstone. Midterms are September 5, November 13, February 5, and April 15. If there is an overdue balance before the midterm date, you will be notified in advance. Ten days after the midterm date, unless there are extenuating circumstances given in writing to the school administrator and approved by the board of directors, the student will be dismissed. Parents will be able to pay online through their FACTS/RenWeb account.
14-mo - PreK4 - $360-$520/month
K5-12th Grade - $4,400/year or $440/month x 10 months.
Payment Plans are available. Discounts are available for multiple siblings enrolled in K5-12th.
Tuition is due by the 10th of each month.

Registration & Supply Fees
K1-K4 - $150/year
K5 - $150/year
1st - 12th - $400/year

Textbook Fees
K3-K5 - $150/year
1st -12th Grade - $400/year

School Uniforms
K5 through 12th-grade students are required to wear uniforms four days a week.
Students wear Red polo-style tops on Monday & Thursday.
Students wear Navy polo-style tops on Tuesday & Friday.
Students wear Khaki bottoms on all 4 of these days.
CCA designates Wednesdays as a “free day.” On Wednesdays, students may choose their clothing provided it follows our standards of modesty and dress code.
The school logo must be applied to uniform shirts on the upper left-hand side.
Purchase Red & Navy tops and khaki bottoms from any store you choose.
Note: Preschool - K4 students are not required to wear uniforms.​